popchips Review & Give-Away!!! {Give-Away Ended}

Recently, I was sent an assortment of popchips to review.  These healthy snacks are not fried or baked.  Delicious all-natural, and healthier, these great tasting snack chips are popped.  Popping, keeps all the taste in but takes out half the fat that is in fried chips and none of the fake stuff that is in baked chips to give them flavor.  Now as parents, we know a healthy snack is not worth anything if kids don’t like it.  Popchips come in many varieties and there is a flavor for just about everyone. Ethan liked the sour cream and onion, I liked the sea salt and vinegar, Luke liked the barbeque and my husband liked the cheddar.  So if you are looking for a healthy snack chip you should give popchips a try.

I have some great news, popchips is sponsoring a give-away on Mommy Ramblings.  One lucky blog reader will win a months supply of popchips.  Thank you popchips for the review chips and for sponsoring this delicious give-away on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US Residents only.

popchips Month Supply Give-Away on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Mandatory Entry– Visit the popchips website, and let me know a fact about their chips or one of their chip flavors.   Leave your answer in a comment on this post.  (If this entry is not done, all others will be deleted)

Extra Entries: (make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry or they will not count)

1. Like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook and leave me a comment here that you did.

2. Like Popchips on Facebook, and leave me a comment here that you did.

3. Follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter, and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name.

4.Follow Popchips on Twitter, and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name.

5. Follow Mommy Ramblings by email, and leave me a comment here that you did.

6. Vote for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs (Button is on the side of our blog, “We’re on the Fence) and leave me a comment here you did.  You can do this once a day, just make sure and leave a comment each time you do.

7. Rate Mommy Ramblings on Top Mommy Blogs (button is on the side of our blog) and leave me a comment here that you did.  Can only be done once per give-away.

8. Write a review for Mommy Ramblings on Alexa.com (button is on our blog right under the We’re on the Fence button) and leave me a comment here that you did.  Can only be done once per give-away.

9. Tweet this give-away on Twitter and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name. You can do this once a day, just make sure and leave a comment each time you do.

10. Like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook and leave me a comment here that you did.

Good Luck Everyone!!!  Give Away Ends September 30th at 12am EST.   Winner will be selected by Random.org


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312 responses to “popchips Review & Give-Away!!! {Give-Away Ended}

  1. Unopened they stay fresh for 12 months

  2. Ranked you on Top Mommy Blogs

  3. Wendy W.

    The parmesan and garlic flavor sounds so good!! 🙂

  4. Wendy W.

    I’m a fan of Mommy Ramblings on FB

  5. Wendy W.

    I’m an email subscriber!!

  6. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket fence 8/27

  7. Wendy W.

    Rated you on Top Mommy Blogs 8/27

  8. popchips are never fried or baked. they are popped by adding flavors with a little heat and pressure. They also have no msg or hydrogenated oils.

  9. like mommy ramblings on facebook

  10. mommy ramblings email subscriber

  11. wrote a review of mommy ramblings on Alexa.com

  12. like blueberry hill photography on facebook

  13. 8/28 Pickett Fence vote

  14. Molly

    Fact: There is only like, 5 ingredients in these chips and I can understand all of them!! lol :o)

  15. Molly

    I like Mommy Ramblings on fb.

  16. Molly

    I am subscribed to your email updates.

  17. Molly

    I like Blueberry Hill Photography on fb.

  18. Molly

    Picket fence vote 8/28

  19. Molly

    Rated you on Top Mommy Blogs.

  20. They are all natural. Never fried or baked.

  21. I’m a fan of Mommy Ramblings on FB

  22. I’m a fan of Blueberry Hill Photography on FB

  23. I voted on the Picket Fences Blog 8-28-11

  24. I rated Mommy Ramblings on the Top Mommy Blog 8-28-11

  25. I’m a follower on Twitter
    CraftyMommy 75

  26. I tweeted this give-away on Twitter 8-28-11

  27. I posted this give-away on my FB page 8-28-11

  28. Jayne Fleming

    They have 0 trans fat and 0 saturated fat and fewer calories then other chips.

  29. Jayne Fleming

    I’m a fan of MR on Facebook

  30. Jayne Fleming

    I’m a fan of Blueberry Hill Photography on FB

  31. Jayne Fleming

    I subscribe by e-mail

  32. Jayne Fleming

    I voted on the Picket Fences Blog 8-28-11

  33. Jayne Fleming

    Rated on the Top Mommy Blog 8-28-11

  34. Voted on Picket Fences Blog 8-29-11

  35. Jayne Fleming

    Rated on Top Mommy Blog 8-29-11

  36. Jayne Fleming

    Voted on Picket Fences Blog 8-29-11

  37. 8/29 Pickett Fence vote

  38. Molly

    Picket fence vote 8/29

  39. 8/30 Pickett Fence vote

  40. I visited Popchips website – Cheddar flavor

  41. I voted on the Picket Fences Blog 8-30-11

  42. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 8/30

  43. Molly

    Picket fence vote 8/30

  44. 8/31 Pickett Fence vote

  45. Molly

    Picket fence vote 8/31

  46. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 8/31

  47. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/1

  48. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/1

  49. Casey

    They are all natural. Never fried or baked.

  50. Casey

    I like mommy ramblings on fb

  51. Casey

    I like popchips on fb

  52. Casey

    I like blueberry hill photography on fb

  53. Casey

    I subscribe to your email

  54. I left a review on Alexa

  55. 9/1/11 Pickett Fence vote

  56. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/2

  57. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/2

  58. 9/2/11 Pickett Fence vote

  59. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/3

  60. sour cream and onion!!! Love them

  61. Like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook

    amy rouse
    dropastitch at yahoo dot com

  62. Like Popchips on Facebook,
    amy rouse
    dropastitch at yahoo dot com

  63. . Follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter,


    amy rouse
    dropastitch at yahoo dot com

  64. Follow Popchips on Twitter, @dropastitch

    amy rouse
    dropastitch at yahoo dot com

  65. Vote for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blog

    amy rouse
    dropastitch at yahoo dot com

  66. . Like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook

    amy rouse
    dropastitch at yahoo dot com

  67. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/4

  68. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/4

  69. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/5.

  70. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/5

  71. Lisa

    sour cream and onion

    frugalmommieof2 at gmail.com

  72. Lisa

    I like you on facebook
    Lisa Cowan Whitham
    frugalmommieof2 at gmail.com

  73. Lisa

    I like popchips on facebook
    Lisa Cowan Whitham
    frugalmommieof2 at gmail.com

  74. Lisa

    following you on twitter
    frugalmommieof2 at gmail.com

  75. Lisa

    I follow popchips on twitter
    frugalmommieof2 at gmail.com

  76. Lisa

    voted on picket fence
    frugalmommieof2 at gmail.com

  77. Lisa

    subscribed by email

    frugalmommieof2 at gmail.com

  78. Lisa

    I like blueberry hill photography on facebook
    Lisa Cowan Whitham
    frugalmommieof2 at gmail.com

  79. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/6

  80. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 9/6

  81. Jayne Fleming

    Voted on the Picket Fences Blog 9-6-11

  82. Voted on the Picket Fences Blog 9-6-11

  83. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 9/7

  84. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/7

  85. Molly

    Follow you on Twitter – MrsWmommy

  86. Voted on the Picket Fences BLog 9-7-11

  87. Jayne Fleming

    Voted on the Picket Fences BLog 9-7-11

  88. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/8

  89. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/8

  90. Jayne Fleming

    Voted on Picket Fences 9/8/11

  91. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/9

  92. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/9

  93. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/10

  94. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/10

  95. jessica edwards

    unopened-fresh for a yr

  96. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/11

  97. Voted on the Picket Fence Blog 9/11/11

  98. Jayne Fleming

    Voted on the Picket Fence Blog 9/11/11

  99. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/12

  100. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/12

  101. Jayne Fleming

    Voted on the Picket Fences Blog 9-13-11

  102. Voted on the Picket Fences Blog 9-13-11

  103. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/13

  104. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/13

  105. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/14

  106. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/14

  107. Jayne Fleming

    Voted on the Picket Fences Blog 9-15-11

  108. Voted on the Picket Fences Blog 9-15-11

  109. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/15

  110. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 9/15 wrLOVESjj

  111. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/15

  112. Jayne Fleming

    I voted for Mommy Ramblings on the Picket Fences Blog 9-16-11

  113. Voted for Mommy Ramblings on the PF Blog 9-16-11

  114. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/16

  115. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/16

  116. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 9/16 wrLOVESjj

  117. Jayne Fleming

    Voted on Picket Fences 9-17-11

  118. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/17

  119. Molly

    My first/only Alexa review on this give away! ;o)

  120. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/17

  121. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 9/17 wrLOVESjj

  122. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/18

  123. Voted on the Picket Fences Blog 9-18-11

  124. Jayne Fleming

    Voted on the Picket Fences Blog 9-18-11

  125. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/18

  126. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 9/18 wrLOVESjj

  127. Jayne Fleming

    Voted on the PF 9-19-11

  128. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/19

  129. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 9/19 wrLOVESjj

  130. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/19

  131. Voted on the Picket Fences Blog 9-20-11

  132. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/20

  133. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/20

  134. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 9/20 wrLOVESjj

  135. Voted on the Picket Fences Blog 9-21-11

  136. Jayne Fleming

    Voted on the Picket Fences Blog 9-21-11

  137. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/21

  138. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 9/21 wrLOVESjj

  139. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/21

  140. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/22

  141. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/22

  142. Voted on the Picket Fences Blog 9-22-11

  143. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/23

  144. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/23

  145. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/24

  146. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/24

  147. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 9/24 wrLOVESjj

  148. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/25

  149. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 9/25 wrLOVESjj

  150. Jayne Fleming

    Voted on Picket Fences 9-25-11

  151. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/25

  152. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/26

  153. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 9/26 wrLOVESjj

  154. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/27

  155. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/27

  156. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 9/27 wrLOVESjj

  157. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/28

  158. Lisa

    Popchips now have a new flavor, Jalapeno Potato!!

  159. Lisa

    I liked Popchips on FB!

  160. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/28

  161. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 9/28 wrLOVESjj

  162. Jayne Fleming

    Voted on Picket Fences 9-28-11

  163. sarah reyna

    these are delicious. I leaarned they are never fried or baked. they are popped by adding
    flavors with a little heat and pressure. They also have no msg or hydrogenated oils and contain 5 simple ingridients.

  164. sarah reyna

    i lke Mommy Ramblings on Facebook alreadyi lke Mommy Ramblings on Facebook already

  165. sarah reyna

    i lke Mommy Ramblings on Facebook already

  166. sarah reyna

    i follow popchips on twitter now

  167. sarah reyna

    i follow mommy ramblings on twitter already

  168. sarah reyna

    i lliked popchips on fb.i lliked popchips on fb.

  169. sarah reyna

    i lliked popchips on fb.

  170. Molly

    Picket fence vote 9/29

  171. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence 9/29

  172. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 9/29 wrLOVESjj

  173. Jayne Fleming

    Voted on Picket Fences 9-29-11

  174. 140-Congratulations Jayne Fleming!!!

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